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Coco husk chips is an excellent growing medium, It's light and airy, with the ability to hold moisture for long periods.

It's naturally pH-balanced and neutral. It promotes the growth of lignins, which means it can increase the amount of beneficial bacteria around your plants' root systems.

When used in hydroponic growing, it offers excellent ​cation exchange capacity, which means it's better at transferring nutrients.

It also doesn't compact easily, allowing root systems to develop easily without becoming crowded or waterlogged.

Organic Coco Husk Chips Soil Mix Substrate (Indoor Aroids & Orchids)

PriceFrom €5.99
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    - For plants
    - For terrariums


    - Water Retention
    One of the main reasons why coconut coir makes for such a great growing medium is its natural ability to retain moisture for long periods of time. There are other planting products that do an equally good job at retaining water, however, what makes coconut husk-based products so unique is that the natural fibers are able to retain moisture without suffocating plants.

    - Aeration
    Fibrous coconut coir expands in such a way that it allows for great aeration for the roots of your plants. Some planting materials tend to become too compact around plants, causing them to suffocate over time. However, coconut husk products allow oxygen to flow freely around plant roots, which help maintain the health of your plants, ultimately allowing them to grow larger, faster.

    - Sustainable
    There are many growing mediums on the market that are simply not eco-friendly. However, coconut husk products are a smart choice if you’re looking to limit your environmental impact. That’s because coconuts are an easily renewable resource. In fact, a single coconut tree is able to produce upwards of one hundred and fifty coconuts per year. That means that producers of coconut coir products can rely on a constant supply of raw materials each year. Plus, coconut trees typically do not require the use of pesticides and other chemicals to maintain their health. 

    - Naturally pH Balanced
    As you begin to delve into more advanced gardening techniques, you will probably start looking at monitoring the acidity level of your soil and growing mediums. Certain plants are very sensitive to changes in the pH levels of their soil. Some growing mediums that you purchase off the shelf at your local landscaping supply store may be far too acidic for your plants. If the pH of your soil isn’t at the optimum level, your plant may fail to thrive or even die, no matter how much care you take to water and fertilize it. However, this is not a concern with your use of coconut coir as your planting medium. That’s because coco coir has a natural pH of about 5.2 to 6.8. This is nearly neutral on the pH scale, making it ideal for lots of plants.

    - Nutrient Density
    There are many vital nutrients that are naturally found in coconut byproducts. These include potassium, iron, manganese, copper, and zinc. These nutrients are very beneficial to plants. One of the great things about coconut coir is that it releases these nutrients very slowly, so it will feed your plants on an ongoing basis over time. What’s more, coconut coir is also rich in natural hormones that act as bio-stimulants, encouraging your plants to flourish.

    - Beneficial Bacteria
    You may think of bacteria as a bad thing, however, certain types of bacteria are beneficial to plants. Coconut coir has been proven to promote the growth of lignins, increasing the among of beneficial bacteria around your plant’s root systems. This beneficial bacterium serves to combat harmful bacteria that may harm your plants. This is one reason why coconut coir is so popular amongst hydroponic growers.

  • SIZE

    Approx. 2cm x 2cm


    100% Organic

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